Monday, August 8, 2011

Battling Birth, Part 2... BARF.

Part 2 of the WDHN Story: Birth Battle: Moms Say Alabama Law Stands In The Way

So, I'm still pretty annoyed.  I'm irritated with the way unassisted birth vs. homebirth is being portrayed. We are bluring the lines on two very different types of birth! I think unassisted birth should be an intensely personal choice that should be combined with research and soul searching, and should not include a doula (as that changes the very definition of a UC), and should not be included in the midwife/OB debate period.

As a doula, I've been asked to attend an unassisted birth before. I have always said no. It's not because I'm against it, because I'm not. I think unassisted births can be amazing. It's because it is not fair to allow a pregnant woman the advantage of emotional and physical support, without the precaution of emergency medical support. It's not fair to them, that you would be forced to choose between standing by while something devastating happened (even with the risk being ridiculously low) or attempting to help and doing more damage, or being no help at all.

My personal feelings on unassisted birth are one of the biggest reasons I feel this way. If you think you need the support of another individual during your birth... YOU SHOULD NOT BE HAVING AN UNASSISTED BIRTH. If you need to have that crutch there to feel secure, you aren't yet secure enough to do this.

Getting back to the main article... Dr. Scott is doing what I think other women will do... blur the lines! Of course midwives are trained to repair perineal lacerations, and deal with hemorrhages. They are trained to handle the emergencies and complications that can arise during birth. They provide excellent prenatal care, that is far superior to that of an OB practice.

Stop confusing the issue! Stop presenting misleading "opinions" that are represented as fact. Stop telling women where they should give birth.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley,

    Great post. You captured the heart of this debate... I can't tell you how much I appreciate reading this right now... Unassisted is a personal choice a woman and her family must make for themselves.

    And not to state the obvious, but of course (and you highlight this well) midwives are trained in emergencies, it isn't simply about knowing when to transport in or call EMT's, but what you do on the way into the hospital or while waiting for EMT's that saves mother and baby lives. These are some of the skills you are hiring a midwife for.

    -Jazmin Price
