Friday, February 25, 2011

Awaiting Poetry

(Random Old Poem of the Day)

He hooked and reeled me in, waiting.

His voice darted from shoulder to shoulder
Demanding comfort, somewhere to lay his head

Just to provoke a reaction I pushed aside what
Bound me to him, what I always knew was

His face flexed and I felt the shine
Fall from his eyes, into my deepest

The illusion fell from my lips, awaiting penalty.

The composure was forgotten and all emphasis
Fell to the stain, the mark I had

His passion for me, now fetish driven, sank
Below my waist, and laid

His voice faltered as he wandered solemnly out
Of his comfort zone, into some other

The words fell from my lips, awaiting poetry.

Something left to brighten his day, make him happy.

His escape is overlooked.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Book Review

Forsaken (Fall of Angels, #2)
by Keary Taylor

Book Started: February 23, 2011
Book Finished: February 23, 2011

This was the second book in the Fall of Angels series, and I really enjoyed it. It was much darker than the first and somewhat depressing, but not so much that it depressed you to read it.

Huge cliff hanger of an ending. I hope there will be a 3rd!

Overall, a great book, but nothing life altering.


Yeah... don't ask.

Ok, I'll explain what happened... except...

Well... we're not really sure. Cole just went walking by, and my husband thought he was dragging the thing around the living room, so he keeps telling him to put it back... and Cole is just getting more and more frustrated. Paul (the husband in question) finally goes over after the third time he tells him to put the table back and realizes it's attached to his belt loop.

Who knows how he managed to accomplish it.... Paul had to twist it around in a circle just to unhook him...

Oh yeah... are his pants on backwards??

Sunday, February 13, 2011


To start with, I should introduce the culprits.... my kids.

Sophia is a charming, energetic and dramatic 5 year old (and yes, she JUST turned 5). She enjoys dancing around the living room, singing her favorite songs (as well as some made up ones), and generally behaving as though she owns the place. She is, of course, amazing.

Cole is a boy. He is about to turn 3. He struts when he walks, leans on the wall and crosses his ankles to stare at you, and generally disturbs the peace (as boys tend to do). He enjoys coloring on my walls, rummaging through my kitchen and making messes. He is, well, challenging.

So, why the blog?

Well, because everyone else is doing it... duh.

But also, because my kids, just like everyone else's, do the craziest things. Why not document that, and use it as embarrassing information for future girlfriends and boyfriends?